Salon Indigo

January 2024

Scope of Work:
  • Brand Design
  • Creative Direction
  • Brand Strategy

Brand Photography: Ember and Birch Photography

Salon Indigo offers clients efficiency, a quiet environment when needed, and personalized service. Their focus is on accommodating professionals seeking a relaxed, collaborative atmosphere and low-maintenance styles. They take pride in our commitment to continuous education and delivering exceptional hair services efficiently.

Creative Direction:

The goal for Salon Indigo's branding is to appeal to professionals with a busy lifestyle who are in their 30s-50s and are easy going, trusting, and open to collaboration. These clients want to come in semi-frequently and don't want high-maintenance styles. Salon Indigo aims to exude a luxurious yet unpretentious vibe.

A color palette comprised of jewel tones like greens and blues as well as pops of pink are sophisticated, conveying a sense of luxury and opulence. Clients in their 30s-50s often appreciate design styles that evoke a sense of nostalgia and elegance. A mix of Art Deco and Art Nouveau inspired design, with flowing lines and organic motifs, carries a timeless appeal that resonates with this age group.

"Thanks for the beautiful work. I love the new tag line you created."

- Alexia, salon indigo