Custom Brand Design

let's create your dream brand.

We pride ourselves on creating fully custom, unique brands. Every aspect, from logos to illustrations, is designed exclusively for you. It's time to trade in that DIY template logo for a stunning and intentional visual identity. Let's create your dream brand!

Brand Design

01 For brands looking for the whole package

This package includes full brand design plus additional social media and brand assets. If you're looking for a completely hands-off experience, this is the option for you. 

What's Included?

+ Brand Strategy Workbook
+ Mood Board
+ Full Logo Suite
+ Curated Color Palette
+ Typography Suggestions 
+ Brand Pattern 
+ Choice of 1 Brand Asset Design (business card design, menu design, brochure design, etc.)
 + Social Media Profile Pics
+ Launch Graphics for Social Media
+ Instagram Bio Suggestions
+ Brand Guidelines Document
+ Off-boarding Document



Mini Brand Design

02 For brands on a tight timeline or budget

This package includes the essential elements of brand design without additional frills. It's tailored for brands on tighter timelines or budgets, and those comfortable handling additional tasks like business card design or social media posts independently.

What's Included?

+ Brand Strategy Workbook
+ Mood Board
+ Full Logo Suite
+ Curated Color Palette
+ Typography Suggestions 
+ Brand Guidelines Document
+ Off-boarding Document



Our Process

Step 3: Delivery

Step 1: Onboarding

Step 2: Strategy/Designing

+ after feedback is given, one round of revisions will be made
+ on the launch date (after final invoice is paid) files will be transferred to you along with an off-boarding guide to help you with your new brand!


+ fill out our inquiry form.
+ we'll schedule a discovery call and have you fill out an onboarding form.
+ a signed contract and non-refundable deposit is due before any work begins.

+ a mood board will be created to narrow in on the creative direction of the project.
+ a brand strategy workbook will be sent over to help dig deeper into the who's, why's, and what's of your brand.
+ the design phase begins - one concept will be delivered.

Looking for brand photography or social media management?

Our Collaborations

We've partnered with Angelina from Ember + Birch to add stunning brand imagery to our branding and web packages. High-quality photography on your website is paramount, enhancing user engagement and conveying professionalism to your audience. Professional brand photography is the perfect addition to your new website or brand identity. 
Packages Start at $1950

We've partnered with Lo from Life Flow by Lo to incorporate social media management (including virtual assistance) into our branding and website packages. It's the ideal addition for a seamless brand launch - boosting brand awareness, enhancing social engagement, and establishing a strong online presence. With expertly managed social media, your brand will stand out, helping you to connect with your dream clients authentically.
Packages Start at $2050